On April 30, 1999, Ralph Nader and Essential Information will host a one day conference on remedies for anticompetitive conduct by Microsoft. "Which Remedies? Appraising Microsoft II," follows an earlier Appraising Microsoft conference held in November 1997, the first conference to focus exclusively on anticompetitive conduct by Microsoft.

The Friday April 30 conference on remedies will feature four panels. The first panel will focus on divestitures and structural remedies. The second panel will focus on unbundling, pricing and contracting practices. The third panel will address interoperability remedies. The fourth panel will focus on non-antitrust remedies, such as procurement policies, consumer boycotts or use of alternative operating systems. Speakers for panels will be announced in April.

The conference is open to the public. The price of registration will be $250 for businesses and $45 for government and non-profit participants. There will be a limited number of scholarships available for students and others.

The conference will be held at Washington, DC. The conference agenda, registration forms and contact information are on the web at: http://www.appraising-microsoft.org

For additional information, contact Donna Colvin at 202.387.8030, fax 202.234.5176, email: dcolvin@essential.org